NorthWest Fr 800

Atikokan Economic DC
P.O. Box 218, 214 Main Street West
Atikokan,ON P0T 1C0
Tel: 807-597-2757
Fax: 807-290-0015

Chukuni CDC
P.O. Box 250,137 Howey Street
Red Lake,ON P0V 2M0
Tel: 807-727-3275
Fax: 807-727-3285

Lake of the Woods Business Incentive Corp.
301 First Ave South
Kenora,ON P9N1W2
Tel: 807-467-4640
Fax: 807-467-4645

Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund
100 Little Lake Road, Suite 101
Fort William First Nation,ON P7J 0L2
Tel: 807-623-5397
Fax: 807-623-3746

Patricia Area Community Endeavours
P.O. Box 668, Unit 2, 66 Keith Ave
Dryden,ON P8N 2Z3
Tel: 807-221-3293
Fax: 807-221-3294

Rainy River FDC
601 Mowat Avenue
Fort Frances,ON P9A 1Z2
Tel: 807-274-3276
Fax: 807-274-6989

SADC Supérior Nord
P.O. Box 716, 7 Mill Road
Terrace Bay,ON P0T 2W0
Tel: 807-825-4505
Fax: 866-223-2814

Société du développement économique de Greenstone
114 1st Ave. NW, P.O. Box 1018
Geraldton,ON P0T 1M0
Tel: 807 854-2273

Thunder Bay Ventures
1043 Gorham Street Unit D
Thunder Bay,ON P7B 6T6
Tel: 807-768-6650
