

PRE CONFERENCE SPECIAL SESSION - Wednesday, September 6, 2017 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

As a response to positive feedback, we are adding a Board Training Session prior to our regular conference workshop sessions. There is a cost of $100 to attend this session which covers the cost of materials and a working lunch, as well as subsidizing the presenter costs. There is also a 2nd CFLI Board Training Module being offered during the regular workshop sessions at no additional cost.

CFLI Workshop– Module 8: Board Leadership - Colleen E. Miller, Enterprises Inc. Limit 25 people
This module allows participants to evaluate their skills as leaders in the capacity of a Community Futures Board member, and enhance their abilities as a strong leader. Participants will: Examine styles of leadership, Discuss self-evaluation and strategies for effective leadership, Review the Director’s role in exercising leadership, and Identify steps to exercise leadership within the NFP sector and community.


Workshop Information - SESSION 1 Thursday, September 7, 2017 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Go Local Rewards Program- Three Years and 3 Million Points - Tannis Drysdale, Town of Fort Frances
In November 2016, The RRFDC's Go Local Rewards Program reached 3 million points awarded and rewarded a program member with 3000 points in gift cards. The Go Local program is a fine example of businesses supporting each other through the awarding points, acceptance of gifts cards and a co-operative marketing strategy to keep dollars in the community.

Mentorship Developing Talent from Within - Renée Gendron, Vitae Dynamics Inc.
Organizations that have mentoring programs are more likely to retain their top talent and achieve high levels of productivity. Mentoring helps strengthen positive organizational culture and create community. Having mentoring opportunities hones peoples coaching and leadership skills as well as fosters self-confidence and team building.

How Community Partnerships Create Regional Economic Development - Kevin Jackson & Mark Masseo- Elgin CFDC and Alan Smith & Kate Burns, County of Elgin
This workshop examines the close Community Partnership between the Elgin CFDC and the County of Elgin Economic Development Team. It discusses how this partnership and funding model has produced numerous client success stories (some which will be featured). It will also highlight the increase in innovation, diversity and sustainability of joint projects shared by these two partners throughout the entire County. This is a model for both Regional Economic Development and Community Partnership success.

CFLI Workshop - Module 13 -(Part 1) Strategic Loan Fund (Max 25 participants) - Jason Denbow, Executive Director, CF Manitoba & Saskatchewan
In this two part session you will learn to: understand the Community Futures’ lending vision; understand your role in the lending process; know your Community Futures organization’s strategic goals for the loan fund; recognize the key considerations in loan portfolio management and understand how to monitor the health of the loan portfolio.

French Workshop: Je suis… I am a Leader - Isabelle Déry, Activatrice de talents, ID Entrepreneurship
Chacun à sa façon fait preuve de leadership. Visionnaire, stratège, innovateur, leader d’action ou relationnel : possédez-vous les 5 habiletés et compétences reconnues des leaders qui font une différence ? Un atelier où on joue et on jase… de vision, de communication, de collaboration, d’influence et de PRÉSENCE.


Workshop Information – SESSION 2 Thursday, September 7, 2017 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Reinvigorating Regional Economies through Business Ecosystems Development - Renée Gendron, Vitae Dynamics Inc.

Financial capital is of course important to businesses. What is often overlooked is business capital – that is the quality of a company's ecosystem. Businesses are just like people – you become who you hang around with. By helping companies rethink their ecosystems potential is unblocked and different market segments are empowered.


Social Media for Community Futures: Do we really need Social Media? - Catherine Lapierre, Parry Sound CBDC

Is Social Media necessary for Community Futures Branches? Why is this necessary? Which social media platform should we use? Understand the power “of reach” using social media and information that can be used on social media platforms. Where to locate information to post to social media platforms? How can social media increase our loan volume? Social media is also about community involvement & creating relationships: what does this mean? What is the key objective/outcome for using Social Media?


Making Financial Forecasting Fun! - Tracey Parker, Business Development Officer, Frontenac CFDC

Ok, maybe I won’t be able to convince you that developing financial forecasts can be fun but I can definitely show you how to make it less painful and much more useful! By using some simple but powerful tools to guide us we can transform the way we think about this process.


CFLI Workshop - Module 13 - (Part 2) Strategic Loan Fund - A continuation from 10.30am - Must have attended Part 1

French Workshop: Dirige rune équipe virtuelle - Fanny Joanisse-Benoit Fajo Solutions
Voir les défis de gérer une équipe virtuelle et les façons de faire pour assurer un bon rendement et augmenter l’efficacité de votre équipe. Découvrez une plateforme collaborative avec plus de 35 outils comme un intranet social, la gestion de projet, les chats et vidéos, gestions de documents, un calendrier, la gestion de courriel. De plus, les produits Google s’y intègrent et une appli vous permet d’y accéder sur votre tablette ou votre téléphone.


Workshop Information – SESSION 3 Friday, September 8, 2017 8:30 a.m. to 10:00

Mobile Workshop: Planet Shrimp  Limit: 40 Participants - Bus leaves at 8:15 a.m. and returns at 11:45 a.m.
Travel to Aylmer Ontario, Elgin County’s second largest city. Witness the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation that has transformed the abandoned Imperial Tobacco Plant into the region’s largest Innovation Centre; now housing numerous award winning businesses and creating hundreds of jobs. While there, take a tour of the most leading edge indoor shrimp farm in North America.

Big Data for Small Places (BD4SP) Data Access and Analysis for Community Vitality and Economic Development - Robert Leitch, Nelson Rogers, Rural Ontario Institute/Measuring Rural Community Vitality Initiative
Communities face challenges as well as opportunities with the use of data for evidence-based decision-making, planning, and priority-setting. The Big Data for Small Places approach enables participants to access and use data to clarify community needs and concerns, identify significant trends, select appropriate indicators of success, and communicate evidence-based recommendations.

How the co-op model keeps businesses alive when boomers cash out! - Peter Cameron, Ontario Co-operative Association
This workshop will explore two proven business succession options: a) selling to employees or b) selling to the people in the community. You will learn the twenty steps to transfer a privately owned business to an employee owned co-operative corporation and how a co-op social enterprise can keep essential community services alive.

CuSource Workshop – Part 1 – Governing Credit Risk (Max 20 participants) Must take part 2 at 10:30 - Ed Sarnecki
In this two part course, you will learn about the role of the board and management in determining and implementing the types of credit available and level of credit risk for the CFDC. You will also learn about the external factors that impact credit risk, such as economic factors (interest rates, house prices, consumer indebtedness, unemployment) as well as internal factors (the competency of staff, the capability of processes, the availability of liquidity and the amount of capital).

French Workshop: Des outils de recruetement international pour alleger la penurie de main d’oeuvre qualifiée don’t souffre les enterpreses ontariennes - Christian Howald Réseau de soutien à l’immigration francophone du Nord de l’ontario

Les entreprises de l'Ontario perdent 24 milliards de dollars par année à cause du manque de main d'oeuvre qualifiée. De plus, 70 % des employeurs affirment que l'évaluation de l'impact sur le marché du travail (LMIA) nuit à leur capacité de recruter à l'étranger. Cependant, une solution économique et bureaucratique est disponible: le recrutement d'immigrants qualifiés francophones et bilingues. ET le tout est financé par le gouvernement du Canada. ET il y a toute une équipe d'organismes sur place pour aider gratuitement.


Workshop Information – SESSION 4 Friday, September 8, 2017 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Cultural Diversity in the Modern Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities - Tania Maximenko, Training and Development Facilitator & Oliver Pryce, Project Coordinator Rural Employment Initiative at Newcomer Centre of Peel
Leading a diverse workforce is the key to growth in today’s competitive global marketplace. Building cross-cultural teams can be both rewarding and demanding. In this workshop, we will explore how to capitalize on the power of diversity and transform it into a competitive advantage.

Integrated Succession Planning for Non-profit Corporations - Linda Fairburn MSOD, President, Make Things Happen Limited
Integrated Succession Planning will demystify the succession and replacement process; provide a catalyst to get the conversation going and tools to keep it growing. This workshop presentation will:

  • Begin the dialogue about leadership transition and its impact on an organization
  • Introduce a four-step process that leads to succession readiness
  • Explain succession and replacement planning as it relates to non-profit corporations
  • Provide an assessment tool to identify risk factors for ED transition
  • Review the common barriers to succession planning and provide tips on how to meet them head on.

CuSource Workshop – Part 2 – Governing Credit Risk - Ed Sarnecki
A continuation from 8.30am. Must have attended Part 1

French Workshop: Le development économique de nos collectivités par la voie de l’économie sociale et solidaire: un modèle de réussie - Julien Géremie, directeur du development et Jean-François Parent, Agent de projet, Conseil de la cooperation de l’Ontario
L’économie sociale permet aux entreprises de trouver une voie alternative au développement de leurs projets. Cette présentation portera sur le modèle de cheminement utilisé au CCO. En première partie : le modèle des 4 tangentes, soit développement de la structure, des opérations, du financement et des réseaux. En deuxième partie : les questions des sources de financement, de la succession d’entreprises, ainsi que des initiatives jeunesse.