September 14-16, Casino Rama
Logo & Theme: Orillia is known as the Sunshine City which influenced the design of this year’s logo. The area’s largest employer is Casino Rama so as a nod to the huge impact that this industry has had on the rural Orillia economy, the committee has chosen the tag line “Rural Business…a Winning Bet”.
Rooms: Have you booked yours yet? Each Deluxe Suite includes your choice of double or king-sized beds. All suites are $130 per night. All rooms must be reserved directly with the hotel at 1-800-832-7529. Please use group code ONTI15B to ensure the above rate.
Online Registration: This year you will have the choice of choosing your workshops when you register or waiting until a later date to do so.
Workshops: We are confirming the final details of our workshops. We have received a great variety and number of proposals. You may find it difficult choosing just one per session….
Ignite Speakers: Ignite session featuring different speakers on unrelated subjects, each giving a talk under 7 minutes long, using 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. These will be information packed presentations! We are still looking for presenters; if you are interested please contact Brenda at
Awards: The deadline to submit your Nomination for Entrepreneur of the Year and the CFDC Awards of Excellence is June 12th. Make sure that the success stories from your community and within your offices are celebrated and recognized.
Nomination forms are available on our website in the conference section.
Translation at Conference: A professional English→French / French→English translator will once again be providing simultaneous translation of our workshop presentations.