
July 16, 2007

Main Street Revitalization was started in 2005.  This is an exciting new initiative, recognized by the Province as the first main street pilot project, and is designed to help engage local residents, business owners and service clubs in the revitalization of their central business district.  What also makes this program stand out is the unique partnership it has established between four neighbouring municipalities:  Centre Hastings; Marmora and Lake; Stirling-Rawdon; and Tweed.  Just imagine working with four separate elected Councils, four separate groups of people and four separate identities!

Through the guidance of their shared Project Coordinator, the four municipalities are simultaneously following a four-point main street process that involves:
1) collaboration of local residents, business owners, service clubs and elected officials
2) economic development
3) marketing/promotions
4) streetscape/physical enhancements

The Initiative has developed an Action Plan to follow in each town, completed a streetscape conceptual design plan, established an innovative method of retaining, expanding and attracting commercial activity and attracted a large crowd to the first ever Main Street Summit.  More than 20,000 residents of the area and more than 150 downtown businesses across the four towns benefit from this initiative.