
February 16, 2006

Two companies based in Frontenac County have been honoured by the Kingston Technology Council; Frontenac Electronic Waste Recovery Project, based in Sharbot Lake, and the President of Sydenham-based Natural Capital Resources, Kathryn Wood, received two of this year’s five awards of excellence.

The awards were presented at the council’s 6th annual gala on February 11.  It was attended by 300 guests, including judges from technology-based enterprises in Ottawa, Toronto and Guelph.

Frontenac Electronic Waste Recovery Project received the Innovative Program Award.  The project, which is operated by the non-profit Land O’Lakes Communications Network, was recognized by the judges for “turning a future potential problem into an opportunity for the present.” It was honoured for its success in recycling used computers, many of them to schools.  As part of the process, it trains young people in computer refurbishment and diverts electronic waste from landfills.  Approximately 15,000 computers thus far have been diverted from land-fills.  The project has become the template for similar initiatives both in Canada and in African and Central American countries where it is known as the “Sharbot Lake model.”

“We were very pleased and kind of excited to be recognized by the Kingston Technology Council,” says Jim MacPherson, Co-ordinator of the Land O'Lakes Communications Network.  “Although it’s been primarily a rural initiative, it’s certainly an issue that needs to be addressed by urban and rural folks together.”

The project received funding through the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation from Industry Canada’s Knowledge Based Economy Fund and the Eastern Ontario Development Fund.  Partners also included Central Frontenac Municipality and the Computers for Schools program.

Kathryn A. Wood, president and CEO of Sydenham-based Natural Capital Resources and a long-time consultant to private and public-sector organizations across Eastern Ontario, received the Champion Award for her role in promoting the growth of knowledge-based enterprises in Kingston and area.  Described as “the best kind of ambassador for Kingston and the region,” she was honoured for her advocacy and expertise in the research and scientific fields, particularly in the area of environmental sustainability.

“I felt that I was really accepting the award on behalf of all the extraordinary people with whom I have had the opportunity to work in Eastern Ontario,” she says.  “If we follow the lessons that all these great folks have taught me over the years, we have a great future.  Hang onto your hats – we are just getting started.”


For more information about the Frontenac Electronic Waster Recovery Project, contact Jim MacPherson at 1-613-279-3737 or

For more information about Natural Capital Resources, contact Kathryn Wood at 376-6006 or

For more information about the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation, contact Anne Prichard at 372-1414 or

About the Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation:  The Frontenac Community Futures Development Corporation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to stimulate community and economic development throughout the Frontenacs.  Run by a volunteer board of directors and funded by Industry Canada, the Frontenac CFDC offers free business advice, workshops and commercial financing to entrepreneurs and those looking to start a business in the Frontenacs.  The Frontenac CFDC also provides support to initiatives that are designed to stimulate economic development in the County of Frontenac, and business planning assistance to community organizations.

About the Eastern Ontario Development Fund:  The Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF) is a Government of Canada initiative that seeks to promote socio-economic development in rural Eastern Ontario, encourage a competitive and diversified regional economy, and contribute to the successful development of business and job opportunities and sustainable, self-reliant communities.  The fund responds to a commitment made by the Government of Canada in Budget 2005 to assist economic renewal in Eastern Ontario by investing in the local economy.