
Dan Laurie

Here are the results of the survey that Sharon Wilson of Dan Laurie Insurance brokers sent to 131 employees. They received back 103 responses which worked out to a 79%success rate.


1.  We can appreciate that the renewal increase for the Extended Health Care rates is significant and we have investigated options to change this benefit for a cost reduction.  Would you consider changes to the existing Extended Health Care benefit to reduce costs?     Yes – 69%   No – 31%

2. If you have answered yes in question 1, we are reviewing the option to implement a drug cap of $5,000 per person per year.  This results in a 12% rate reduction in the Extended Health Care Rate.  Would you be interested in implementing this change?    Yes – 38%        No – 62%

3. People were asked to rank the list of your paramedical practitioners covered under your existing group plan. (1 = most value to you, 10 = least importance to you). The top and bottom two results were: 1. Massage Therapist   2. Physiotherapist   3. Chiropractor   4. Psychologist   5. Audiologist   6.Podiatrist/Chiropodist  7. Acupuncturist   8. Dietician   9. Osteopath   10. Naturopath

4. We are also reviewing the coverage for paramedical practitioners.  Would you be interested in reducing the existing annual limit amount of $500 per practitioner to $300 per practitioner?     Yes – 21.2%   No – 78.8%

5. Instead of reducing the overall annual limit amount of $500, would you be interested in a per visit maximum of $25.00 per paramedical practitioner? Yes – 22.8%   No – 77.2%

6. Would you be interested in changing your Paramedical maximums from $500 per practitioners per year to $300 per practitioner per year with an overall combined maximum for ALL paramedical practitioners of $1500 per person per year (see list in question 3)       Yes – 41.2%         No – 58.8%

7. People were asked if they would be interested in deleting any of their paramedical practitioners.  The three that were noted were: 1. Dietician    2. Naturopath   3. Acupuncturist

8. Indicate the coverage you currently are enrolled with on our health and dental benefit plan:

Single – 20%    Single Parent – 2.4%   Couple – 29.4%     Family – 43.5%

Spousal Opt Out (I have coverage through my spouse where he/she works)- 4.7%

9. Based on question 8, do you need to request any modification on your coverage? Yes – 4.7%            No – 95.3%

10. Confirm if your spouse is eligible for health and dental benefits through their employer:    Yes – 37.6%        No – 43.5%    Not Applicable (Single) – 18.8%

11. On an annual basis what do you think is the premium (cost) for family Health & Dental coverage?  

$1,000 – 3.5%      $1,500 – 12.9%   $2,000 – 12.9%   $2,500 – 20%   $3,000 – 22.4%  $3,500 – 28.2%

12. Do you think the current Health coverage is adequate for your needs?  Yes – 85.9%        No – 14.1%

13. If you answered No in question 12, please explain:

  • Could include vision, eyeglasses, should not have a drug co-pay
  • Need flexibility in spending especially for paramedical coverage

14. Do you think the current Dental coverage is adequate for your needs?  Yes – 76.1%  No – 23.9%

15. If you answered No in question 14, please explain:

  • No deductible and reimbursed at 100% rather than 80%
  • No Major coverage
  • Orthodontic coverage would be nice

16. If you or one of your family members are taking any prescription medications, are you using generic or brand name drugs?  Generic - 48.9%            Brand Name – 16.3%                 Do Not Know – 34.8%

17. Do you know the difference between Generic and Brand Name drugs?  Yes – 87%     No – 12%

As budgets tighten, and in the best interest of its members, the Benefits Advisory Committee is looking at a viable cost-saving option with equivalent coverage.  An update will be provided to health plan members in the near future