July 1, 2000
Waterweb Groundwater Database Inc., Belleville
With support from the Trenval Business Development Corporation, Waterweb Groundwater Database Inc. has developed environmental data assembly software and services for municipalities. The Environmental Data Manager (EDM) Program provides community-based delivery of all environmental data to support efficient planning and development at the municipal level. Working from the municipal planners’ office, the Environmental Data Manager provides convenient, one-stop access for lawyers, surveyors, home buyers, lending institutions, developers and planners for septic records, well records, air quality, drainage studies and other data related to community growing and planning. The EDM Program provides a community-based permanent solution to data access and database maintenance, supported by local businesses, to improve awareness and accessibility to publicly and privately held data. The Program fosters strategic partnerships with and between communities, as well as across government departments to facilitate community development. For more information, visit: www.waterweb-gwdb.com