November 28, 2011
Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund, Fort William
When Darcy Kejick and his wife, Susan Rae, approached Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund(NADF) in 2002 for expansion financing, they were operating a gas station out of three 45-gallon drums with a manual pump, in their community of North Spirit Lake.
North Spirit Lake is located 730 km northwest of Thunder Bay and is accessible by air, or by a temporary winter ice road that is maintained 2 to 3 months of the year, transporting bulk fuel and supplies.
With NADF funding, the couple expanded “Darcy and Susan’s Gas”, purchasing two 50,000-litre fuel storage tanks and a pumping station. Business thrived. With additional financing and funds won in a business plan competition, Darcy and Susan opened “North Spirit Foods” in 2007 – a grocery store rivalling any in the remote north. The store exceeded its three year forecasts and continues to do well.
Later, recognizing another opportunity, Darcy and Susan ventured into the hospitality business, constructing a two-unit motel.
Photo: James Cutfeet of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada presents the 2005 Partnership of the Year Award to Susan Rae and Darcy Kejick