
February 24, 2014

Since becoming Minister of State for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) in 2009, I have been engaging with Canadians across our great region, listening to stakeholders express their thoughts and ideas about the economy, and identifying opportunities to help make a positive difference where needed.

Our Government has put this feedback into action.  In the last four years, FedDev Ontario has committed more than $1.1 billion, resulting in partnerships with more than 5,300 organizations and over $1.5 billion in additional leveraged investments to support businesses, organizations and communities in southern Ontario.

In March 2013, the Government announced the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018:  Education, Immigration, Communities.  Through the Roadmap, the Government of Canada is investing $1.1 billion across 15 federal departments and agencies with a focus on three pillars that will ensure the vitality of English and French in Canada through education, immigration, and communities.

As the key initiative for Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs) under the Roadmap, the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) contributes to the Government’s priority of creating jobs, promoting economic growth through investment, and supporting the economic development of OLMCs.  EDI will continue to strengthen innovation, entrepreneurship, partnerships, and diversification of economic activities in OLMCs.

I am pleased to inform you that the renewal of EDI across southern Ontario was announced on February 21, 2014.  FedDev Ontario will provide up to $4 million over five years in funding to support:

 - Strategic Community Economic Planning projects that will enhance the economic base and competitiveness of Francophone communities and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); and,

 - Business and Economic Development projects that respond to the needs, and foster economic growth of community-identified industry sectors, including knowledge-based and manufacturing industries. This priority area will also support internships for youth and workers in transition.

I look forward to seeing the results that the renewed EDI will generate for southern Ontario’s Francophone communities.

Further details about the Economic Development Initiative are available on our website at  You may also contact us by toll-free telephone at 1-866-593-5505, or via e-mail at

Yours sincerely,

The Honourable Gary Goodyear, P.C., M.P.

Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario)