
November 28, 2011

Wakenagun Community Futures Development Corporation, Moose Factory

Known to the Cree Aboriginals as the Omushkego Region, this area in the far north of Ontario has been served by Wakenagun CFDC since 1995.

With the goal of creating sustainable employment through economic development, Wakenagun CFDC has assisted the Crees of MoCreebec with several initiatives:  Moose Factory Cable, a partnership with Moose Cree First Nation; MoCreebec Development Corporation; MoCreebec Housing Association; Cree Village Ecolodge; Moose River Broadcasting Association and Creecable Internet Services.

Through the support of Wakenagun CFDC to their companies, they have employed over 50 people providing quality services to the communities of Moose Factory and Moosonee.

“In order to develop and have a strong local economy, we need local people supporting local businesses that are under local ownership and we need to develop the upcoming generation to be entrepreneurs,” says Allan Jolly, Community Economic Development Officer for MoCreebec.

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