
October 25, 2002

Community Economic Development projects for Grand Erie Business Centre are rewarding efforts.  One of the most rewarding efforts the Business Centre has had in recent years is the partnership that was formed to develop and implement a Tourism Development Strategy.  The partnership was made up of most of the Chambers of Commerce in the Grand Erie Business Centre area, the County of Haldimand, the Six Nations New Credit Marketing Collective, and the Port Dover Board of Trade.  In addition, we had the extra advantage of receiving a $54,000 Ontario Rural Job Strategy Grant from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.  The Rural Job Strategy funds became the incentive we needed to keep working together to realize our goal - tourism development for the Southern Grand River Valley area.

All of the hard work by our volunteer partners and Grand Erie Business Centre staff was done to fill an important void within our community - development of tourism.  What we accomplished was the production of two maps, an official 2002 Visitor's Guide, a web site "", three tractor trailers as mobile billboards and highway signage for the Grand River Scenic Parkway throughout Haldimand County and the Six Nations Indian Reserve.

Tourist operators, local merchants and consumers all agree, this $198,000 Tourism Strategy implementation has provided welcome growth to our community of tourists, local business, and residents.  Haldimand County and its good neighbours really make "a grand experience".  From a Community Futures Development Corporation standpoint, this partnership and the resultant implemented Tourism Development Strategy has had excellent value.  Grand Erie Business Centre used $4,500 from their Investment Fund as seed capital for this highly successful and sustainable Community Economic Tourism Development Project.