July 25, 2007
Corry Lake Nursery has been operating since 1997 and is the only forest tree producing Nursery in Renfrew County. They received funding through Renfrew County Community Futures Development in 2004, which allowed them to improve their marketing materials, develop a website, expand sales, increase production and sales and train interested and dedicated staff. Corry Lake Nursery is operated by the Makwa CDC of Algonquin of Pikakanagan First Nation from Golden Lake, Ontario. The Nursery is located at the Petawawa Research Forest. The Nursery produces hardwood and conifer species for the Stewardship Council, Forests 2020, Department of National Defence, forest operators and private woodlot owners.
As a result of the funding received, the nursery production sales for 2005 were very successful with all production sold. The seedling for future years was increased in the spring of 2005 with the objective of increasing sales of mainstay species such as Red Pine, White Pine and White Spruce. Also increasing were sales of Hardwood such as Walnut, Butternut, Oak, Maple and Wildlife food species such as Dogwood, Nannyberry and High Bush Cranberry. Also thirteen peopled completed the course on improving quality and quantity of production and a written test and received "Certified Seed Collector" certificates. Eight people completed a two day Wilderness Skills Course. This course is very valuable for seed collectors to determine the location of the seed source, which is required on certified seed collectors report and also allows collectors to identify seed crop sites as they develop and return to the exact site for collecting. They also were able to develop and produce a new website which adds to the nursery marking ability.
The Makwa CDC is a non-profit Native organization and is very diligent in hiring staff members who face barriers to employment. There staff includes 2 Aboriginal women, 2 Aboriginal youth, 2 Aboriginal men, 3 non-Aboriginal women and 4 non-Aboriginal men.
For more information on this story, please visit their website at: www.corrylakenursery.ca