Borderland Cannabis
Borderland Cannabis, located in Fort Frances, Ontario, credits its successful opening to funding and business advice it received, through the Community Futures Program, from the Rainy River Future Development Corporation (RRFDC).
Borderland Cannabis opened in April 2021 and is owned and operated by Chris Matheson, a member of Mitaanijigamiing First Nation. The store is one of the few locally independent and Indigenous-owned and -operated recreational cannabis stores authorized in Ontario. Chris turned to the RRFDC for help in opening the store after he encountered some COVID-19 challenges and struggled to obtain government approval. RRFDC provided advice for writing a business plan and upfront capital funds to help him realize his dream of owning a business. Now, the store is doing well in a very competitive market and hopes to continue serving the Rainy River District for years to come.
Borderland Cannabis is the proud recipient of the 2022 Indigenous Business of the Year Award from the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce.
Community Futures Ontario Funding Partners:
Rural businesses, organizations and communities are the cornerstone of Canada’s economy. To ensure rural Canadians are positioned for success, the Government of Canada, through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor) and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), has invested in Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) across northern and southern Ontario to provide businesses in their communities with access to the tools and support they need to succeed.
Borderland Cannabis Website: Click Here.
RRFDC Website: Click Here.